Intimate Nature: The Bond Between Women and Animals

Now that more women writers Intimate Nature book coverand scientists are making animals the subject of their investigations, important new ideas are emerging, based on the premise that animals are honored co-sharers of the earth. In the distinctive anthology, Intimate Nature: The Bond Between Women and Animals, editors Linda Hogan, Deena Metzger, and Brenda Peterson have gathered the work of the best women nature writers and of women field scientists who write about the special moments they have shared with the animals they study. Among them are Annie Dillard, Jane Goodall, Temple Grandin, Barbara Kingsolver, Alice Walker, Terry Tempest Williams, and a host of others. These women reveal depths of awareness and emotion in their connections with animals that so many of us so often forget exist. This anthology reminds us that animals speak to us, through us, and with us. They come to us, not only in our dreams, but in our lives. In this era when so many animals are endangered, we need to remember and understand their lives and their many languages. Intimate Nature is the first book of its kind — a celebration, a lament, and an urgent wake-up call for us to engage once again the ancient and sacred dialogue between the species.

Edited by Linda Hogan, Deena Metzger, and Brenda Peterson.

Reviewed by Christine Carr

The Seattle Times
“A celebration of compassion . . . Women are opening new ways of communicating with and understanding the animal world.”

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